Life Beyond The Edge Of Suicide And Depression

Episode Title:​ ​Life Beyond The Edge Of Suicide And Depression Episode summary:​ Something that stood out to me about this episode was how Dags subconscious was calling out for help. Think about that for a moment. The subconscious KNOWS what to do and was making steps to help outside of what could seem like its… Continue reading Life Beyond The Edge Of Suicide And Depression

Superman Shares His Secrets About Addiction, Recovery, And Faith

Episode Title:​ ​Superman Shares His Secrets About Addiction, Recovery, And Faith Episode Summary: Tim knows firsthand what addiction can cause and he also knows firsthand what faith, support, and a healthy lifestyle can change a life. Guest Name & Bio: Tim Kassouf is a Certified Personal Trainer in South Florida. Working with private clients and… Continue reading Superman Shares His Secrets About Addiction, Recovery, And Faith

The Death Of Spider Brains; A Story About Bipolar, Yoga And Chaos

Episode Title:​ ​The Death Of Spider Brains;  A Story About Bipolar, Yoga And Chaos Episode summary introduction:​ Jodi was kind enough to hop on the Mindset and Self-Mastery show to discuss how she manages her Bipolar through Yoga, mindfulness, and medication. We unpacked her journey to diagnosis and the path she’s been on since that’s… Continue reading The Death Of Spider Brains; A Story About Bipolar, Yoga And Chaos

Pursuit Of Happiness And Balance

Episode Title:​ ​Pursuit Of Happiness And Balance Episode Summary:​ On the very first episode of the Mindset and Self-Mastery Show, my guest, and cousin, Tom Ward got into finding balance as a sales professional and how a near-death experience lead him to sell medical devices. Guest Name & Bio: Tom has had an entrepreneurial spirit… Continue reading Pursuit Of Happiness And Balance

Introduction to “The Mindset and Self-Mastery Show”

Welcome to the Mindset and Self-Mastery show! My name’s Nick McGowan and on this show, my guests and I unpack the stories that shape us and the lives we lead on our path to self-mastery. I’ve been on a personal development journey for over 20 years, searching for the best ways to manage my mindset,… Continue reading Introduction to “The Mindset and Self-Mastery Show”