Treating Your Mind Like The Mental Muscle It Is

Episode summary:​ Jeff Wickersham has become a master at mindset. Mindset is what helps guide our life and achieve our desires.

He is very self-disciplined with his phone usage, morning routines, creating little goals, celebrating successes, and overall living life to the fullest.

Jeff shares his mindset secrets and wants to see everyone live their best life and live their dreams.

Guest Name & Bio: Recognized by FOX, MarketWatch, and bestselling author Jeff Wickersham is a peak-performance mindset coach, sought-after speaker, and creator of The Morning Fire™.

The secret of his success is his own harrowing and humbling experience with rock bottom just a few years ago.

He was battling substance abuse, his marriage was on the brink of divorce, and his business was crumbling but he was committed to getting back up and working. In just 18 months, he elevated every single area of his life to a level of success greater than he’d ever known in the past.

It turns out, the ‘quick fixes that are so glaringly missing from the wellness industry are consistency and accountability.

Jeff Wickersham