The Two Unexpected Conversations that will Transform Your Reality

“When it comes to transforming your reality and making the impossible happen, conversation is key.”

In this episode, we’ll be talking about the two unexpected conversations for transforming your reality. These are key components in phase five of the methodology for making the “impossible” inevitable. They’re so critical to understand that I wanted to share them in their own episode. Conversation is the vehicle for rapidly moving our big, out-of-reach desires into reality, but this goes against much of what we’ve been taught about manifestation and goal achievement. We’re taught to focus on altering what we are doing, which only leads to incremental improvement around what we’ve already experienced or believe is possible. While we’re still doing things to make the impossible happen, it must come from an entirely different place, which we’ll cover today!

Grab a copy of my book, What Really Happened?, to go deeper into this work.

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What to listen for:

  • The difference between change and transformation
  • Making the impossible happen is a matter of conversation
  • Why you should listen to episode two and episode three first
  • Understanding how assigning meaning hinders us

“There are times when consciously making meaning out of something is really important. But for the most part, the conversations that we’re engaged in externally and internally are unproductive because we are so busy interpreting everything from this old, outdated paradigm and lens.

  • What builds the bridge toward what we want
  • The two critical conversations for transformation
  • Don’t use these to gaslight yourself or others
  • The framework for external conversations
  • Making requests that move you forward

“When it comes to making the impossible happen, conversation is key. The question is, what kinds of requests are you making? Do they help you bridge the gap from where you are to where you want to be? And are you making enough of them to the right people?

  • Asking people who have authority to answer
  • Not every request arrives as a literal question
  • Making bold promises that accelerate your goals
  • Being clear and intentional with your promises
  • Learning to constantly listen for the external framework
  • Disengaging from other people’s drama and projections

“In order to stay in motion around our impossible goals, we have to notice when and where we hook into other people’s drama because in doing so, we get hooked into story and interpretation.”

  • Threats and boundaries are a promise
  • The framework for internal conversations
  • Grab a copy of my book, What Really Happened?
  • Breaking the cycle of interpretation to create leverage
  • How we reinforce core wounds and activate our winning strategy
  • The importance of feeling your feelings productively

“If I ask something of someone and they say no, I feel disappointed. I feel sad. I might even feel some rejection. But I’m only feeling the raw energy of that emotion in my body, and I process it in a healthy and productive way. I don’t stuff it down. I don’t bypass it.

  • All that happened is what happened and what to ask next
  • Going for true transformation vs. incremental improvements
  • The difference between “what’s wrong” and “what’s missing”
  • Tapping back into our big, impossible desires
  • Why a “no” moves us forward as much as a “yes”

“If they’re telling me no, they’re telling me they’re not a good fit. They’re not on board. This doesn’t work for them. Great. Now I can get into motion on finding the right fit. When people tell us no, they’re being very clear. When we’re not hooked into our interpretations, we can see this as the gift that it is.

  • Notice where you go into story and interpretation
  • Creating context to bring our impossible visions to life