From Humble Beginnings To Becoming A Veteran, Author, And Entrepreneur

Episode summary:​  Kevin E. Eastman was in the Air Force as a sergeant. He learned things such as how to best effectively get his message heard, and his supervisor really helped him open up perspectives on his life and mentality.

He used to be the type of person who blamed everyone else for all the problems and misfortunes. But it was pointed out that if you look at yourself, you can see how you are the creator of your own world. Even something as simple as fear.

Fear exists, but it’s because we create fear in thinking about something that may or may not even happen. With that type of awareness, we can overcome so much more.

Kevin ended up journaling to help put things in perspective so he can change his life around. While reading through his entries, he thought this is a great way to help others, so he organized his writings and turned them into a published book.

Guest Name & Bio: Kevin E. Eastman is an Air Force vet, community activist, and mentor, with a passion for helping others in achieving their goals. He has a fun, but passionate approach to helping people with their self-development. He had to lot of lessons, and he’s trying to do his part to help others.