How To Hustle And Still Live In The Present Moment

Episode summary:​  Growing up in New York, Matt LeBris grew up with that hustle mentality. Choosing money over everything has a cost though.

Matt learned that choosing money means you neglect relationships and hurt those who care about you. Now, Matt has done everything he can to become the better of himself.

He’s taking therapy to talk about an abusive relationship he was in, ‘hustles’ mindfully, gives time to loved ones, and treat people with respect.

Guest Name & Bio: Matt LeBris is a born and raised NY’er who inevitably caught the hustler’s spirit that fills his hometown streets. He previously worked with Daymond John of Shark Tank and currently hosts a top 1% globally ranked podcast, Decoding Success, which has featured the likes of Grant CardoneMel Robbins, and many more.

Matt LeBris