Working With Our Emotions and Dropping Through the Void

“Eventually, we will open into an expansive state because we have allowed what is here and contractive to move out of us.” In this episode, we’re talking about working with our emotions healthily and productively. I’m also introducing you to the concept of The Void, a cornerstone in my work. In this world, we’re often… Continue reading Working With Our Emotions and Dropping Through the Void

What It Really Means to Be Persistent and Do Hard Things

“Doing hard things looks like you just taking the next breath and the next step. And then doing that again and again until you’re on the other side.” In this episode, we’re talking about what persistence should actually be centered around and what it takes to do hard things (as well as how these depend… Continue reading What It Really Means to Be Persistent and Do Hard Things

The Art (and Power) Of Not Taking Things Personally

“When someone perceives us, they’re telling us more about who they are and how they see the world.” In this episode, we’re talking about the art and power of not taking things personally and how it creates more freedom and leverage to align with what you want. We’ve all heard about not taking other people’s… Continue reading The Art (and Power) Of Not Taking Things Personally

Learning to Let Life Support You With Four Critical Types of Trust

“Let life support you. The baseline state of our universe is well-meaning and kindly towards you.” In today’s episode, we’re talking about the four different types of trust and learning how to let life support you. Oftentimes, as we walk these journeys, we start to believe that life is happening to us. But when we… Continue reading Learning to Let Life Support You With Four Critical Types of Trust

Get Back in Flow: How to Move Out of a Rut or Period of Stagnation

“Just because things aren’t being reflected back to you doesn’t mean they’re not happening.” In this episode, we’re talking about moving out of ruts and periods of stagnation, something all of us have to face at some point on our journeys. These are seasons where we lack flow, everything seems to stall out, and no… Continue reading Get Back in Flow: How to Move Out of a Rut or Period of Stagnation