How To Navigate Life’s Treacherous Journey Through Trauma, Anger And ADHD

“The biggest thing is remembering that this is like a long road to recovery. It’s not gonna be done right away.” Episode summary: In this episode, Roozbeh Khoshniat shares the inspiring journey of starting his ADHD coaching business alongside his wife’s therapy practice, unpacking the challenges and triumphs of managing anger and navigating the childhood… Continue reading How To Navigate Life’s Treacherous Journey Through Trauma, Anger And ADHD

The Somatics of Trust and Living From Abundance Rather Than Scarcity

“When we operate from that frequency of trust, we’re better able to see pathways and possibilities.” In this episode, we’re having our third conversation in the “Somatics Of” series about the somatics of trust and living from abundance vs. scarcity. This is not a “magical thinking” conversation or one rooted in bypassing and toxic positivity;… Continue reading The Somatics of Trust and Living From Abundance Rather Than Scarcity

How To Embrace The Secret Power Of Interpersonal Communication

“I think self-awareness is key to unlocking it all, and I think it is a lifelong process. The advice that I would give to everybody is to always seek the discomfort and not escape it.” Episode summary: In this episode, Supriya Venkatesan explores the intricate connections between beliefs, language, and mental symbology, unraveling the anatomy… Continue reading How To Embrace The Secret Power Of Interpersonal Communication

The Somatics of Confidence and Learning to Take Up More Space

“Confidence isn’t a wall. It’s not an excuse to not look at yourself, not be open to and receptive to feedback.” In this episode, we’re diving into the second part of our “Somatics Of” series with the somatics of confidence and how to take up more space. Confidence is a critical aspect of making the… Continue reading The Somatics of Confidence and Learning to Take Up More Space

Cancer Doesn’t Define Your Life, You Do, Embrace The Suck

“We are born with everything we need to be successful in life already inside us. We just need to pull it out and use it to our benefit.” Episode summary: In this episode, Terry Tucker candidly shares his rare melanoma diagnosis and the acceptance of mortality, imparting a profound message about embracing life, facing fears,… Continue reading Cancer Doesn’t Define Your Life, You Do, Embrace The Suck